Our Hours
Mon - Wed, 8.30-17.00 hrs.
Thu - Friday 8.30-16.00 hrs
Saturday 10.30-11.30 hrs
Weekend on request
Our Location
Montagne Aardewerk Middelblok 134b 2831 BP Gouderak, The Netherlands
Montagne Aardewerkfabriek is an original Dutch family owned Delft pottery known as dutchceramics. Our factory is where craftmen and women make the most appealing delftware in rich and shining designs complemented by astonishing shapes. Dutchceramics has become a real specialist in costumizin genuine delftware over the years. Please feel free to visit our Delft pottery either physically or our online delftblue shop. To get an idea give how to make (business) gifts that show you care!
Find plates, piggy banks, tiles, Christmas ornaments, and much more in our diverse assortment.
Delftblue personalized wallplates, delft mugs with your name or logo or even customized shapes like houses or boats with hand-painted or printed designs,
Mon - Wed, 8.30-17.00 hrs.
Thu - Friday 8.30-16.00 hrs
Saturday 10.30-11.30 hrs
Weekend on request
Montagne Aardewerk Middelblok 134b 2831 BP Gouderak, The Netherlands
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